Use a Retirement Planning Tool to Educate and Inform Yourself

Do you need a retirement planning tool? Do you feel a bit lost when you think about retirement planning?

Don't worry, most people do. But you can educate and inform yourself by using such a planning retirement tool.

Even that is easier said than done. You can spend hours trying every planning tool you can find. And the surprise is that these tools often contradict each other and often do not deliver the same results.

I can't claim that I tried every retirement planning tool available, but I investigated quite a few. On this Website you'll find what I learned. Some tools are my personal favorites, but I realize what works for me might not work for you.

Most financial planning software offers a retirement planning tool. The software is typically not free, but many employers make it freely available to their employees.

I cannot emphasize enough that these retirement planning tools are mere tools and for educational purposes only. You cannot rely on it for your retirement planning decisions. You'll need a qualified advisor for that. But you'll be better informed, and better prepared, to retain control of your retirement planning.

My research on the subject of a retirement planning tool showed that different people have different terms for virtually the same tool or objective.

Below is a table of contents. Click on a subject that's defined in your terms and we'll discuss it on a separate page.

A Handbook Planning Retirement? Many to Choose From, but Only a Few Really Deliver!

I need a handbook planning retirement! This is the cry I hear from many visitors.

Is Retirement Planning Online Feasible?

Retirement planning online is, in my opinion, not yet feasible. However, a lot can be done online. You can educate yourself online to such a degree that you can take control of your retirement planning with confidence.

Guide Planning Retirement

We all need a guide planning retirement. In this discussion I try to be your guide.

A Retirement Planning Worksheet? Which One?

Many Retirement Planning Worksheets are freely available from several sources. The question is: Which one is right for you?

Retirement Planning Program

A retirement planning program is in much demand by visitors to However, it is with reluctance that I attempt an opinion – even after extensive research.

Retirement Planner Software

Which retirement planner software to choose? Here I suggest some options available to you.

Free Retirement Planning Software is Available. But Can You Afford It?

Free retirement planning software is freely available on the Internet. But how free and independent is it?

Retirement Clock

Some of our visitors look for a retirement clock! Strictly speaking a retirement countdown clock has got nothing to do with retirement planning.

Retire Online . . . Not so Impossible Anymore

Retire Online – It's So Easy! This is the slogan of a service offered on the official Website of the United States of America Social Security Administration.

A Retirement Planning Guide Please!

Recommend a retirement planning guide? That's something I tried to avoid doing on this Website. After all, I personally did not follow a timely and orderly retirement provision plan. How can I recommend that you do it?

Free Retirement Planning is Not Really Free!

Free Retirement Planning? Think about it! Who can afford to give a vital and specialized service like retirement planning to you for free?

Retirement Planning Spreadsheet

Is a retirement planning spreadsheet of any use? If you know how to do a spreadsheet analysis you will probably want to forecast your future using your own homemade spreadsheet. I tried to do that too!

A Retirement Planning Checklist to Eliminate Uncertainty

A Retirement Planning Checklist could be very useful as you approach your retirement. To eliminate uncertainty you need to take control of your retirement planning and you need to monitor it closely.

Retirement Planning Articles Abound

Retirement planning articles are freely available on the Internet. I read many, many of these articles. I even wrote some of them!

A Letter of Instruction Makes It Easier

A Letter of Instruction (LoI) is not a legal requirement, but in a complex world it can make things easier for your heirs and the executor of your estate.

A Retirement Planning Seminar? Do Consider it!

A retirement planning seminar is a great way to prepare you for retirement when your retirement is five years away or less. You get to rub shoulders with other people more or less in the same boat as you are. To get to know the fears and hopes of others nearing retirement.

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