Some Retirement Planning Tips

Here are some retirement planning tips. Visitors to this Web site have a wealth of knowledge and experience. And some very specific tips!

In this section of Retirement Planning Central (RPC), I would like you to share your retirement planning tips, knowledge, or experience on various subjects with our other visitors.

On this Web site I try to give you objective information related to retirement planning. The information is based on my personal experience and research, and what I observe that is happening with friends and former colleagues in retirement.

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It is impossible for me, a retiree, to research all retirement related subjects and come up with meaningful retirement planning tips about subjects I know nothing about!

My dream for RPC is for it to be truly a hub for information on Retirement Planning. You see, one short account of what happened to a real person in the real world is worth much more to another person looking for information than a comprehensive presentation on that subject.

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You'll find a Table of Contents below. If you can share a retirement planning tip, but there is not yet a related subject in the Table of Contents below, please contact me.

Where are the Best Retirement Locations?

A short answer is impossible. No one can answer that question for you. You’ll have to find the answer yourself. Simply because your criteria and constraints are totally different from the next person’s.

The Best Retirement Funds for You

The best retirement funds that work for you is unlikely to work for the next person! Simply because each person's lifestyle dynamics and investment preferences are different.

Holistic Pre-Retirement Planning

Your pre-retirement planning goes much wider than making financial provision for retirement. It includes planning for personal security, mobility, health care, lifestyle, and a social support network.

Planning for Your Retirement is Not Optional!

Planning for your retirement is not negotiable. It is not optional. It is a must! And the sooner you start the better. But if you did procrastinate, start now! Immediately.

Your Personal Retirement Planning is a Priority!

Your personal retirement planning is as important as your personal financial planning. In fact, the sooner you make it your priority the easier your eventual transition into retirement will be.

The Retirement Planning Process Summarized

The retirement planning process has been defined and re-defined for decades by many people. During my retirement planning process I accepted the fact that the process has been defined and that I should stick to the book – so to speak. Ten years into retirement, I know that 'the book' was based on some flawed assumptions.

Is Cheap Retirement Really Inexpensive?

Cheap retirement implies retirement that is affordable, but at the same time offering reasonable and mild weather, adequate medical facilities, and plenty of outdoor activities.

Retirement Hobbies Should be Fun!

Retirement hobbies are supposed to be fun. The moment a hobby becomes a chore or an occupation, it is no hobby anymore. However, some retirees are so passionate about their hobbies that they seem driven by it!

Retirement Planning Strategies Converge

Retirement planning strategies eventually converge because it shares a common goal: To have enough money in your retirement accounts by the time you retire to provide for you and your spouse during your retirement.

My Retirement Planning Mistakes

My retirement planning mistakes were plenty. But at the time that I made these mistakes I honestly thought I was making the best decision in my own interest!

Planning Retirement Services are Abundantly Available

Planning retirement services are offered by numerous investment companies, insurance companies, and even banks. Why would I then advise you to rather find a consultant planning retirement services that is independent?

Consult a Financial Planning Retirement Planner Sooner Rather Than Later

A financial planning retirement planner can add much value to your financial planning especially in the early years when you tend to leave retirement planning on the back burner.

Is Retirement Planning Training for You?

Retirement planning training is sometimes required. When mere retirement planning education is not enough to get you committed to your own personal retirement planning discipline. To take control and to eliminate uncertainty.

Personal Finance Tips for Retirement Planning

Personal finance retirement planning tips for are no different from any other tips on personal finance goals. However, there might be a shift in urgency!

Will Your Retirement Wishes Come True?

Retirement wishes will come your way from colleagues and friends. Some funny, and some serious. But what really matters are your own retirement wishes. And only you can make your wishes come true.

Alternative Retirement Locations More Frequently Considered

Alternative retirement locations were historically not seriously considered by retirees. According to census data, less than seven percent of people older than fifty moved to an alternative location for retirement as recently as 2004.

Retirement Ideas or Ideas for Retirement?

Retirement ideas are probably what retirees would be looking for when their retirement becomes boring. Ideas for retirement, in my opinion, is a more positive and pro-active component of retirement planning tips.

Words of Wisdom for Retirement

My words of wisdom for retirement to you would have to be rooted in my experience and observation after more than ten years in retirement.

Retire Overseas? Compelling Benefits to Consider

To retire overseas is not just for the rich and famous anymore. Many more people are considering to retire abroad than ever before. And the main motivation seems to be cost.

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