Retire Online . . . Not so Impossible Anymore

Retire Online – It's So Easy! This is the slogan of a service offered on the official Website of the United States of America Social Security Administration.

On this Website we warn repeatedly that Social Security is not a retirement plan. It is undoubtedly a safety net for most retiring Americans. But it is my opinion that you should not rely on Social Security alone. You should make retirement provision a priority as soon as possible during your employment or entrepreneurial career.

And with the services offered on the Internet today a lot of your retirement planning can be done online. Elsewhere on this website we discuss various aspects of retirement financial planning. Educate yourself online and take control of your personal retirement planning. Eliminate Uncertainty.

Your bank or insurance company that administer your retirement portfolio after retirement would probably offer Internet access to track the performance of your portfolio and conduct transactions in your accounts.

On this Website I advise readers to be in control of their own retirement planning, but to appoint a qualified and experienced advisor to manage your planning and investment portfolio.

That is exactly what I personally do. My advisor make regularly proposals for investments and strategy, but I have ongoing online access to all the accounts and portfolio information.

But I'm also managing the desperate attempt of a relative to make provision for retirement in a few years' time. I researched annuity funds and compared performance. I finally selected the fund that I thought would perform best without too much exposure to risk. We are doing everything online and in the process saving quite a substantial portion in not paying fees to an advisor. I fully expect to annuitize the fund online when the time comes. And save on those fees too.

As long as it is astutely managed, I think we can state that retirement online has arrived and is possible.

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